2 definitions by Monterey

The PPSH was a very nice early SMG, pretty much the gun that won close quarters combat for the Russians in WW2.
To the best of my knowledge its a better weapon than the UZI in all ways(well aside from the fact that you can't fire it with one hand, but with most firearms youre better off not doing that anyway...).
Call me a gun nerd if you will but the developers who made Call of Duty 2 didn't do their homework, although the PPSH's drum can hold 71 bullets it is, by engineering, limited to holding 67 bullets give or take due to the fact that more than that will cause jamming.
by Monterey May 2, 2007
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Boy name from Albania.

If you need help, call him! He never says no but don’t take it for granted.

He is loving and carrying, his heart belongs to his closest people. if you have him as a friend you are a lucky person.

If you have him as a Husband , you won the Lottery.

He is hardworking and everyone wants to be in his team.
Realdi married his German a wife in April and is happy.
by Monterey November 23, 2021
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