2 definitions by Mocoso66

A narrative universe full of multiple storylines and characters. The overall world/universe is highly developed on account of so many interactive elements between storylines.

Storyverses are more common in film, graphic novels, and some books.

Popular examples are the MarvelVerse, DC-Verse, Star Wars, JK Rowling’s Wizarding World, and a bunch of those CW shows.
Dude, I cant wait for the next Avengers movie.

Totally, bra. The MarvelVerse is my favorite StoryVerse!
by Mocoso66 December 21, 2018
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The feeling of sadness, loss, and overall disillusion with the real world that occurs when you finish a book or book series.
Similar to ‘show hole’, but with books.
What’s the matter with Jimmy? Why’s he so sad?
Oh, he just finished the whole Harry Potter series and is in a total book hole.
by Mocoso66 December 21, 2018
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