2 definitions by Mills&boom

Chirantha is a name that is very scarce.It is generally the name given to a hunk (big made person).Its nature is of a very handsome but arrogant yet loving person.And also tends to get a bit violent at certain situations.Also, if your a Chirantha your likely to be rich and a very powerful person.

Chirantha's are generally sensitive towards women,and rather shy,Chirantha's are very sexual when the occasion rises.But have trouble in selecting a suitable partner due to the many women they tend to please.over all Chirantha's are men of character.
Don't ever fuck with a Chirantha!
by Mills&boom January 9, 2018
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The name Thulja is of Indian origin. Also a name given to the goddess thulja Bhavani. Thulja's are of a very distinguished breed. There sex appeal is of emasculating nature. When loved they fall hard and are the most loyal. They are also know to be extremely fierce and savagely direct. They are very caring and loyal to their friends. Extremely feminist yet believe in karma. They can be a light in the most darkest days. Overall Thulja's are very exotic creatures and shouldn't be fucked with.
Dont fuck with a thulja !!!!
by Mills&boom August 19, 2020
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