1 definition by Mikhael'li Xiazuh

An individual who fears/is scared of mentors (also called "Burger King" in some parts of the community) inside the game Final Fantasy 14 due to them being mostly unreliable and or little snowflakes and is scared of hurting their tiny little feelings.

This is targeted at mentors who do mentoring not for the sake of mentoring, but for the sake of having a crown next to their name.
Common phrases used by mentors(can vary!):
"You don't pay my sub!"
"I know what I am doing, I am a mentor!"
"Don't tell me how to play my job!!!!"
"Toxic elitist, go back to WoW!"
"Sorry, I have mentorphobia, I don't want to listen to your BS."
"My doctor said I shouldn't be talking to shitters."
by Mikhael'li Xiazuh December 9, 2020
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