1 definition by MetaMorphIST1

Metamorphist (meta-morph-ist)
1. A person or business that practices or is concerned with the pursuit of social, ecological and economic change and evolution through information, systems/science and technology
2. IST company/organization that is concerned with socio-economic change
3. Information Social Technologies that act as change agents

Derived from the words: meta, morph & IST/ist
Meta: prefix from Greek origin meaning:
"in the midst of, in common with, by means of, in pursuit or quest of,",
morph: same as morpho meaning:
1. to undergo or cause to undergo morphing
2. to transform or be transformed completely in appearance or character: he morphed from nerd into pop icon
IST: acronym meaning:
1. Information Systems and Technology
2. Information Services and Technology
3. Information Society and Technologies
-ist a suffix of nouns:
often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in -ism, that denote a person who practices or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles, doctrines, etc.: Metamorphist
He/she/it (social network) is a true metamorphist if you look at the help they've given to him/her/them/the community.
by MetaMorphIST1 October 29, 2011
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