2 definitions by MementoMMN

Using humor and fun to explain things and make them understandable. Splainers often rely on one (or sometimes all) of the following: theme, metaphor (sometimes mixed-metaphors), props, situation, etc…
Jenny cracked me up. Her splainer about how satellite radio works involved coconuts, tin foil, gum wrappers and an Emeril Lagasse beet juicer.
by MementoMMN July 16, 2010
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People who use humor and fun to explain things and make them understandable. Splainers often rely on one (or sometimes all) of the following: theme, metaphor (sometimes mixed-metaphors), props, situation, etc…
Jenny cracked me up. Her splainers about how satellite radio works involved coconuts, tin foil, gum wrappers and an Emeril Lagasse beet juicer.
by MementoMMN December 8, 2010
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