4 definitions by MegRoe

When someone has their personality rapidly taken from them and does everything their girlfriend asks.

And then they start lieing about where there going with elaborate tales cos they're scared they will get beaten up
Dim: Where's Veitch tonight?
Donz: He said he was comin but his bird rang and he quickly disappeared.

#moist vegetable#lap dog#Jake Veitch #imissmyjakeveitch
by MegRoe October 19, 2018
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When someone has their personality rapidly taken from them and does everything their girlfriend asks.

And then they start lieing about where there going with elaborate tales cos they're scared they will get beaten up
Dim: Where's Pete tonight?
Donz: He said he was comin but his bird rang and he quickly disappeared.

#moist vegetable#lap dog#Pete #imissmySteph
#lettuce#vegetable#lap dog#Pete
by MegRoe December 6, 2019
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The sport of watching a fatty go from being hideous to gorgeous in the space of 10 pints
Donz "Dim you going whale watching again tonight?"
Dim "Enough talk lads Kim is giving me the eye" downs pint number 6
Veitch "wahheyy enjoy the whale watching"
Jack "Don't forget the harpoon"
by MegRoe October 19, 2018
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When someone fancies someone but has been friend zoned and won't shut up about them.
Max "i'm see an absolute worldie tonight"
Jack "ahh nice man, get in there"
Max "I've been friendzoned"
Jack "stop being a melt man!"
by MegRoe August 23, 2019
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