2 definitions by MaxAyberk

Kaan Giray Alpat is the son of famous musician Emrah Alpat, he is mostly known for his performance at Zorlu Center in Istanbul and his guitar cover of Samurai Chippin'.

Kaan Giray Alpat also known by his nickname ''Keyn'', is commonly used as an insult or a way to make fun of someone.

Most of the time people only use ''Kaan'' but there are some occasions where ''Giray'' and ''Alpat'' are used.
Some examples are:
Stop being a kaan.

You're such a kaan.

If you do this you're an alpat.

This homework is so giray.

Hey are you Kaan Giray Alpat?
by MaxAyberk December 5, 2021
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by MaxAyberk May 16, 2023
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