2 definitions by Matt " The motivator"

The vial substance often found on the lower extremities of an individual suffering from diphtheria. If infected the Saxe progresses to become "Gunny Saxe" due to the large puss filled boils that form on the private areas of the individual infected.
" Jesus bill, looks like a bad case of gunny saxe you have there."

" I'm sorry tommy, but the other kids are afraid of your saxe."

"Honey I would love to please you orally but your saxe are oozing."
by Matt " The motivator" August 1, 2007
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The vial substance often found on the lower extremities of an individual suffering from diphtheria. If infected the Saxe progresses to become "Gunny Saxe" due to the large puss filled boils that form on the private areas of the individual infected.
" Jesus bill, looks like a bad case of gunny saxe you have there."

" I'm sorry tommy, but the other kids are afraid of your saxe."

"Honey I would love to please you orally but your saxe are oozing."
by Matt " The motivator" August 1, 2007
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