2 definitions by Master of Contradictions

An atrociously performed dance, usually done when one is incredibly drunk or held at gunpoint. Also can be used in exclamation at something bizarre or just plain stupid. The g and f can be alternated to form fabbering gabberwaltz.
*As a man dressed as Chubacca comes ploughing down the sidewalk armed with a spatula and singing Jerusalem*

"What the gabbering fabberwaltz is that?!"
by Master of Contradictions September 24, 2007
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When online, used to express a state of utter wtfness, or when you simply cannot believe the stupidity of what the person above has just said. It kind of reminds me of a paralysed frog.
Person: OMGWTFBBQ, lawlorz i sooooooooooooooooo pwned
joo /\/00b!!!1 1!1!1!!1im sooo awsum!!111!11one!!! !11!!!!eleven!!! "11!"211! LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LOLOLLOLOLLOLIPOP

You: O_O
by Master of Contradictions September 24, 2007
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