2 definitions by Martoon

Someone with this condition may eat steak for most meals, must be the only on drive a white transport van during a vacation and likely will leave the rental house without telling any of his friends or family.
Person a: “Where did he go?”
Person b: “oh he’s feeling asperic again due to his Aspergers… he took the van and didn’t tell anyone. I bet he went to eat steak.”
by Martoon March 12, 2023
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1) A common phrase used by Portlandians to describe how cool and popular THEY are. It's often used in first person. The types of people who use these words are usually very douchey and full of themselves. This is a way for them to feel important even though they are not.

2) A phrase used by Portlandians to describe a person who thinks they are way cooler than they actually are.
1) "Bro...! Did you see me last night? I pretty much run this town. #PortlandFamous"

2) "You know that bartender we always see around town, he seems nice but he's totally Portland Famous."
by Martoon September 20, 2015
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