1 definition by Martin Brady

Female first name defining someone who is always the energetic centre of a group, be it for good reasons or bad. Marians command attention and/or respect from all around them.

Marian is a trendsetter, often with a seemingly quirky or wierd taste in food, clothing or music, these likings often spread infectiously throughout her group of friends and beyond.

Marians are very emotional people. Not only that but coupled with an insane level of honesty, Marians can be quite offensive... usually unintentionaly. At the same time though, when a Marian makes up her mind about something it stays that way. A stubborn personality and intent to be and think what she wants is the biggest characteristic of any Marian.
That Marian is one mean girl.That Marian can sure hold her own in a group.
by Martin Brady February 20, 2007
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