2 definitions by Markus A
Estonians are an extremely happy group of people with lineage stemming from the small European nation Estonia. Predominantly blonde haired, blue eyed beauties. You can distinguish "kodu Eestlased" native Estonians from non-Estonian born Estonians by their lanky, disproportionate limbs (ex. legs and arms looking like the appendages of a daddy long leg spider). Real Estonians drink vodka for the most part until they are good and jolly, or black out and engage in activity with the opposite sex that is never really that awkward in the morning (as is often with Americans). With an extremely high tolerance for alcohol, what better way to end a celebratory evening (celebratory evening= anytime 2 or more Estonians are together and drinking) than crossing right arm over left and holding hands in a circle known as Soprus Ring, humming notes and saying prayers in a foreign tongue (Estonian) startling innocent non-Estonian onlookers who imagine they are witnessing cult activity.
Karl has long disproportionate arms and legs and appears to be a Viking. Karl must be an Estonian.
Jaan speaks Russian and attends sportipaev but Ei Raagi Eesti Keel. Jaan is not really an Estonian.
Jaan speaks Russian and attends sportipaev but Ei Raagi Eesti Keel. Jaan is not really an Estonian.
by Markus A September 13, 2006
Estonians are an extremely happy group of people with lineage stemming from the the small European nation Estonia. Prodominantly blonde haired, blue eyed beauties. You can distinguish "kodu Eestlased" native Estonians from non-Estonian born Estonians by their lanky, disproportionate limbs (ex. legs and arms looking like the appendages of a daddy long leg spider). Real Estonians drink vodka for the most part until they are good and jolly, or black out and engage in activity with the opposite sex that is never really that awkward in the morning (as is often with Americans). With an extremely high tolerance for alcohol, what better way to end a celebratory evening (celebratory evening= anytime 2 or more Estonians are together and drinking) than crossing right arm over left and holding hands in a circle known as Soprus Ring, humming notes and saying prayers in a foreign tongue (Estonian) startling innocent non-Estonian onlookers who imagine they are witnessing cult activity.
Karl has long disproportionate arms and legs and appears to be a Viking. Karl must be an Estonian.
Jaan speaks Russian and attends sportipaev but Ei Raagi Eesti Keel. Jaan is not really an Estonian.
Jaan speaks Russian and attends sportipaev but Ei Raagi Eesti Keel. Jaan is not really an Estonian.
by Markus A September 12, 2006