2 definitions by Manssedsnoo

He is the best . Has smarts and is strong

May look Intimidating from afar but is actually a softy .

People strive to be like him and would want him to notice them

He has a way with getting into peoples hearts but isn't rude enough to break it

You can always trust them and go to them if you need support .

Never feel embarrassed to end up having a crush on one everyone would end up having one in their life time
by Manssedsnoo November 23, 2021
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He is so awesome and knows how to stand his ground . May look intimidating from afar but is actually a softy

People wish to be like him

He's smart and strong who doesn't like brains and brawn

Everyone thrives to be like him no matter what

People would love to be noticed by him
Wow I'd love to be like sadikul
by Manssedsnoo November 23, 2021
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