2 definitions by Mama Squirrel

The attitude and lifestyle of every good squirrel. If a squirrel is snowflakin', then given squirrel must never goat around.
Bystander 1: "Why is that squirrel so damn cool?"
Bystander 2: "Because he's always straight snowflakin'!"
by Mama Squirrel January 9, 2009
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A group of associates referred to as "squirrels" that gather to party their bushy little tails off. The Squirrel pack is always snowflakin', but never goats around. In simpler words... The squirrel pack is bad ass.
bystander 1: "Who are those snowflakin" mother fuckers?" Bystander 2: "Why, that's the squirrel pack, you silly goat!'
by Mama Squirrel January 9, 2009
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