1 definition by Malcominthemiddle

Guyliner is an eyeliner used by men. No longer just for Emo, punk and homosexual people. Guyliner is still unaccepted by some people with no style, diversity or class. If you're a celebrity or millionaire its perfectly acceptable to wear Guyliner but if you're the average joe who just likes the hip look you may be ridiculed. The people who accept Guyliner the most live in cool diverse areas like Camden, London or San Francisco, USA. Worn with the right clothes Guyliner can make you look a fashion icon
Man 1: Omg look at that fag wearing eyeliner.
Man 2: that's not a fag, he's wearing Guyliner he's clearly cooler and is more comfortable with himself than you Man 1
Girl 3: yes person 1, I think you may be in the closet either that or you live in Wales.
Girl 4: I would totally let him penetrate me. Along with the vintage Gucci and tattoos that Guyliner looks soo hot
by Malcominthemiddle January 2, 2012
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