2 definitions by Major Shmoopy

Looking at it from the lower end of ThinkPads, the most gigantic shit excuse for a computer you can currently find on the 1st world market. The computer will blue screen on you eventually, structurally this thing is as reliable as a 2,000 foot cardboard tower. the main cause of my blue screen was a cracked hard drive when i dropped it 4 feet because of the searing pain you get after it powers up, however, on a positive side, if you lay down with it on you will become immune to BSDM wax torture. Also, think you can listen to music? think again, the sound system has such issue buffering the music it will freeze and become so choppy you can't even stand it. I would STRONGLY recommend spending your money on either a higher end ThinkPad or switching over to another brand.
I wrote this rant on my ThinkPad, the browser stopped responding 10 times while i was writting it, and odds are will crash in a few seconds if i dont speed up writing this.
by Major Shmoopy August 12, 2010
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The act of having a very awesome beard. As shown from all that remains' lead guitarist for which it is named.
Person 1: Jeremy's pulling an Oli Herbert.
Person 2: Really?
Person 1: Yeah it's been 2 years sense he shaved.
by Major Shmoopy October 22, 2010
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