3 definitions by Majivugirl

This is a mix of friend + nephew. If you have a friend who is practically a brother/sister to you, you can call their son "frienephew." Pronounced "Fren-ne-few."
by Majivugirl July 2, 2013
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Sassuality is simply the act of being sassy. It can be defined as a love and desire for verbal power; supernatural confidence; and an unrelenting pursuit of attention. An early sign of sassuality is a burning passion for the last word in every conversation, debate, or discussion. Most sassies can create dramatic phrases spontaneously.

Plural: Sassies
Singular: Sassy
My sassuality is going to make me sass the crap out of that person!
by Majivugirl November 7, 2011
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This is a mix of friend + uncle. If you have a friend who is practically a brother/sister to you, their kid can call you "frienuncle," Pronounced "Fren-uncle."
My friend just had their baby; I am its frienuncle.
by Majivugirl July 2, 2013
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