3 definitions by Madison Pernesky


people with the name brynlie tend to be infatuated with the online game known as Webkinz. they seem to have the inability to get off the site and perform their normal life duties and responsibilities. this can lead to brynlies falling behind in life and entering into a depressive state. the only way to help a brynlie is to keep her mind occupied with videos of giraffes. this will keep her engaged and lean her away from the Webkinz world. if you have a friend brynlie make sure to keep a close eye on her to prevent this from happening.
wow... Brynlie has been on Webkinz for 7 days straight she needs an intervention.
quick! someone start the giraffe videos for Brynlie before its too late.
by Madison Pernesky April 24, 2022
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individuals with the last name Pernesky are typically sexy af and have big tits or a long dick. if you possess this name you are for sure the most popular at our school and have a celebrity status.
damn is that a Pernesky. she is so unbelievably sexy
by Madison Pernesky March 8, 2022
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Yo someone lmr I need to let lose
by Madison Pernesky March 28, 2017
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