2 definitions by MP-AU

that horrid colour girls get after trying to go blonde... that they Think is blonde... but it basically that colour a brunette gets stuck with after using cheap bleach kits or peroxide. Synonyms include "Blorange" "Peroxide Blonde" . These girls either are unaware of how to achieve blonde properly, or think it looks cute, but it never looks cute, and always Begs to be toned.
"Gurl, check it... dat hooker comin' in here wit dat streetblonde thinkin' she cute " - "Pray for me, Charlene, I have a booking later, she's coming to get her streetblonde fixed, hopefully it doesn't break off"
by MP-AU December 10, 2018
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-- Noun. Pronounced (Murica' nizm).

(1) The belief that Muricans are superior in human character or ability to non-Muricans.

(2) Discrimination, prejudice, and hate expressed by Muricans against non-Muricans.

Synonyms: racist, proud boy, republican, MAGA, white trash, redneck, Christianity, Bible belt, unedumacated, Freedom Fries, Donald Trump.

Antonyms: Freedom, Liberty, Justice for all. Equality, peace, education, equal rights, equal pay, non-racist, Spiritual, kind, nurturing, trustworthy
Professor KKK goes on and on and on about so-called institutional racism, but in private conversation he demonstrates his own rigid Muricanism by expressing contempt for "crazy suicidal Arabs," "psychotic non-human reptilian Jewish Extremists," "heathen gays and libertarians in all them big city counties, up past the Walmart."
by MP-AU January 27, 2019
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