2 definitions by MDsoultrain

A queere is a misspelling of queer (gay) in reference to the popular slogan of the John Deere tractor brand: Nothing Runs Like a Deere. In order to spoof the slogan, replace Deere with queer for the rhyme, then add an "e" to the end of queer to complete the satire. This misspelling, made popular by T-shirt Hell, pictures the outline of an flamboyant homosexual running away from an angry weapon wielding mob...hilarious

by MDsoultrain January 27, 2007
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A queere is a misspelling of queer (gay) in reference to the popular slogan of the John Deere tractor brand: Nothing Runs Like a Deere. In order to spoof the slogan, replace Deere with queer for the rhyme, then add an "e" to the end of queer to complete the satire. This misspelling, made popular by T-shirt Hell, pictures the outline of an flamboyant homosexual running away from an angry weapon wielding mob...hilarious
by MDsoultrain January 23, 2007
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