1 definition by MBTGIYM

A person so un-eloquent in their use of lies and bullshit that the act of them speaking equates to "shit-bending." Overglorificaton of ones self makes one a shitbender. Exaggeration of an event to the point of absurdity makes one a shitbender.
Statements that lower the collective iq of all listeners are said by shitbenders.

"Yea i don't care about money, I have a job offer from microsoft, apple, and google. They are all fighting over me" (this legendary shitbender worked as a housekeeper)
Me: "I have never heard anything so crazy come out of anyone's mouth, ever!

Response: "He's a shitbender, that's all that comes out."
by MBTGIYM October 23, 2014
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