1 definition by MANE, FUCK IT!

Pronunciation: (SHU-MEE-KUH)

Origin: Somewhere in the depths of Compton.

The reincarnation of New York from "Flavor of Love" Season 1. She is your ghetto ass friend that is typically named Sarah, Sandra, Sally or anything starting with an "S," but when her hood rat side surfaces, she transforms into Shamika. Shamikas typically overuse the word "ratchet" and cock their head from side to side with the sass of an agitated cockatoo. She is a gossip queen and can tell you the shape, lengths and widths of every penis in a 15 mile radius of her current location. She is a believer that weave is the devil because she is "AlL nAtuRal." Shamikas are patrons of establishments often catering cheap liquor and LifeStyle condoms for free to those under the age of 18. If accidentally brushed into by harmlessly passing, they will remove all jewelry from their body and proceed to grab the nearest article of clothing or hair on the poor, unsuspecting victim and attempt to whoop ass, and once a Shamika's ass has been beaten, she will post on Facebook: "YeAh! BeAteD dAt BiTcHeZ aZz!! No OnE fUcK wItH mE!!" Shamikas typically struggle through elementary school, but they eventually get out at the ripe age of 16. Shamikas will steal anything green in their sight. They should be hospitalized before the transformation into Shamika is permanent. If your friend is a Shamika for more than 24 hours, consult your local physician as soon as possible.
Guy 1: "What's wrong with Sarah?"
Guy 2: "Dude, her boyfriend broke up with her. She's gone off the deep end..."
Guy 1: "She's a Shamika..."
Guy 2: "Exactly!"
by MANE, FUCK IT! May 30, 2013
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