3 definitions by Lucid-no-pants

"Kiss My Ass" in Irish-Gaelic.
Póg mo thóin, Eamonn!
by Lucid-no-pants February 22, 2009
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An obvious trap. Most often used in the Neverwinter Nights Persistent World of Narfell. Based on the infamous scene with Admiral Ackbar in Return of the Jedi.
Dude, careful... get your sword ready... this looks like an obvious Ackbar.
by Lucid-no-pants August 26, 2009
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A fictional Clan of dwarves that live in the NWN persistent world, Narfell. They are known for being ridiculously rich as well as cunning and ruthless merchants, faithfully pursuing Vergadain, their deity.
Try as I might, I will never amass a Dolvak fortune.
by Lucid-no-pants November 26, 2007
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