1 definition by Lowcarolsteve1289

Scrosexuality is an aphallic sexuality centered on the erotic focus (scrotum) the aesthetic is offers is the main focus of scrosexuality it is atypical to phallic orientations of sexuality and it is not completely asexual but we adopt the asexual colors to denote it is atypical to typical sex . Scrotum stretching plays a major role in this as well but not all ScroSexual can stretch their balls because some are female

The main thing that makes a couple scrosexual would be the focus on the scrotum aesthetic

Ballstretching “ball play”. “scrotum sex” “scrotum licking” are all traits of such sexuality
Scrosexuality is an atypical sexuality because it doesn’t involve phallic sex
by Lowcarolsteve1289 December 26, 2020
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