1 definition by Lovatic'92

A young nineteen year old woman who is currently the role model to teenagers everywhere. The amazing Demi Lovato had suffered from eating disorders, cutting, bullying and basically everything most teenage girls go through. After being in rehab for three months she came out to share her story and inspire millions.
Her first album, Don't Forget, went gold.
After only a couple of short months, her first single off her new record Unbroken, Skyscraper, went gold, proving that she is the most talented Disney star, or, rather I should say she is the most talented singer I have seen in a long time.

Demi Lovato is gorgeous. Flawless. Pretty. Amazing. Inspiring. REAL. No one is perfect, but she's damn close.

No one with a heart, brain or soul can not like her. Only the devil himself would tell Demi she's nothing above.
1: Have you heard Selena Gomez's new single?
2: Please, she's old news. Demi Lovato's single went Gold. I love her!
1: What's so great about her?
2: Um, everything. She saved my life.
1: How?
2: Haven't you head her story?
1: What story?
2: Wow.. Just wow.
by Lovatic'92 September 29, 2011
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