10 definitions by LornaPie

John: I like you!
Bob: You lie!! Lier!!
John: It's liar dipshit.
Bob: :O
by LornaPie October 13, 2005
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An pathetic insult used by people who can't think of anything better to say and are very bad at grammar and say "your" instead of "you're" when appropriate.
Bob: Hey dude what's happening?
Chris: Fuck off
Bob: What have I done?!
Chris: Your gay!
Bob: Shut the hell up you retarded fuckfaced pussy unclefucking douchebag turd burglar!!!
Chris: Um... your gay.
by LornaPie July 4, 2005
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SHE ROCKS!! hehe! She is beautiful and wonderful.
Lorna is the best ever!
by LornaPie April 18, 2005
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