1 definition by LordVader311

til· de | \ ˈtil-də \

Definition of tilde

1: a mark ˜ placed especially over the letter n (as in Spanish señor sir) to denote the sound \nʸ\ or over vowels (as in Portuguese irmã sister) to indicate nasality

2a: the mark used to indicate negation in logic and the geometric relation "is similar to" in mathematics
b: the mark used to indicate an approximate value such as x~y
For example, Atlanta Braves outfielder Ronald Acuña Jr. – a native of Venezuela – spells his last name with a tilde over the letter N. Since there’s no equivalent in the English alphabet, the easy thing is to use an N instead.

The weather forecast calls for ~ 10-20mm of rain. The tilde means approximately 10-20mm of rain.
by LordVader311 June 30, 2021
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