1 definition by Liv Soares

Established by the 2015-2016 Marist Baseball team. It’s first meaning was for the Ballfox pitcher Sean “Shown Midrise” Keenan to get his final out of the inning, also called his ender. When used in a sentence, the correct wording started as “hum now babe, get your ender.” Later, the phrase was shortened to just “hum chender.”

The term is also used when you find a Marist smoke. Ballfoxes loves hitting Darby’s, River, Mahoney’s or Union in search of “chenders” that we could show our piece too.

Long live 35 Lake Street. 2017 champs.
Kirk decided to dump Bri before getting shitfaced and headed to River Station to find his hum chender, Jessica.
by Liv Soares August 19, 2019
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