1 definition by LipsLikeMorphine

The name Forrest means...He's the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He's cute, smart, funny, understanding, in general just amazing. He'll make you feel like your his world whenever you talk to him. He always makes you smile and laugh, even in your worst moods. You could sit on the phone for hours with him and not say a word but never get bored. He'll tell you 'I love you' whenever you need to hear it the most. He wont let anyone get in the way of his feelings. He doesn't let people bother him. He brings out the best in you and makes you feel amazing in every way possible. He's there for you no matter what. He is willing you give you the world.
This guy is the most amazing guy on the planet, his name is Forrest.
by LipsLikeMorphine August 1, 2011
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