1 definition by LilMJLennix

Brali is an amazingly, outstandingly, beautiful young girl! Brali's are usually very loving & always have a good attitude, && when you be around them they make you think of life in a positive way! They are the best-est-est-est of the best-est-est! Brali means intelligent, athletic, smart, fun to be around, outstandingly stunning, happiness, awesomeness, just straight up perfection! Brali stands for "happiness in life" and anyone would be && will be the luckiest person in the world to meet, talk to, be around, be friends with, etc. with a girl named Brali! Period!!!

Definition By:
Lennix Jones a.k.a (LilMJ & DJLenniLen)
by LilMJLennix January 2, 2015
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