1 definition by Light :)

Iliana is a girl that looks serious but if she gets comfortable around you she will be the most fun person you've ever met. She is the best friend and the bravest friend, she moves and plays with fear. Her mind is powerful, like her looks. Avoid making her angry, if she's yelling to you, you're her friend, if she's talking with a low voice to you, win her trust, although it's never too late for her to forgive. She can be very cute and precious and then once you blink, she can be incredibly hot. Her feelings change quick so be careful. She is adorable, funny, has a beautiful voice no matter if she's singing, yelling or talking and has a big heart. Although her big heart is the leader, this is why she will always give you another chance. She won't talk to you first even if she wants to be your friend because of her shyness and worries. Iliana is amazing.

If you have an Iliana in your life, be thankful and careful to never loose her.
Person 1.: Hey, who's that?
Person 2.: Oh, that's Iliana, she's one of my best friends, if you want her attention you must talk first and be comfortable around her.

Person 1.: Alright, I'm going!
by Light :) November 21, 2021
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