1 definition by Lieutenant_moon

A Reese is the most loving person you will ever come across. No matter what, Reese will always be dedicated to the things and people he loves. He will do anything for you, whether you are sad, happy, or just in need of comfort. Even if he doesn’t think so, Reese is drop dead gorgeous and owns the cutest smile you’ll ever see. A Reese also has the most wholesome laugh that can make ever stare in awe. Reese loves to talk about his interests, and it’s advised to let him. Watching your Reese dork out for hours over his favorite interests will put a smile on your face always. Reese also has a beautiful way with words, and he loves writing songs about the people and things he loves. Reese is very artistic talented in many subjects, although he chooses to be modest and humble and deny it every time. When you meet a Reese, he will become the beacon of light in your life, and surly you’ll fall in love soon after. He will always make you smile, even just the simple thought of him. He is very special, and you should always tell your Reese how much you love him and always hold onto him. Reese is guy everyone needs in their life. Especially me
Reese looks very handsome today.

Reese really likes the moon
by Lieutenant_moon December 25, 2022
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