1 definition by Liberal madness

A term that suits anyone at a Labour rally or pro-EU rally in the UK. Originally coined to be used against anyone who was white and voted for Brexit.

The description better fits protestors of Brexit or Labour activists however and one only need look at their rallies and protests to see why. Their little events are majorly composed of white liberals standing in a line who are often middle aged, unkept and screaming obscenities at any opposed to their ideology.
The pro-EU rally outside of Parliament contained gammon, their white faces turned red as they begun crying over Britain leaving the EU and turned even more red when they started screaming obscenities at those who supported Brexit and shouting that leave voters were racists and Nazis.

"Muh future is ruined now we 'ave left the EU, even though I dont understand the economical failings of the EU, its unfair outdated policies in international dealings or who leads it, im going to say that any against it are only such because theyre racists and hate immingrants! Dem racists Brexit supporters are Nazis who want to deport foreign born citizens of da UK innit? That's what I read on Facebook anyways. ONE WITH EURIPE! I AM EURIPEAN NOT BITISH! OH JEREMY CORBYN! " ~ typical Labour Gammon who thinks anyone opposed to the EU or his party is a racist, Nazi or Xenophobe.
by Liberal madness July 13, 2018
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