11 definitions by Leo Cuban

The code word for President George W. Bush by communists, wacked out liberals, femi-nazis, baby killers, kum-bye-ya appeasers, enviro-kooks and the like.

Because he is born into wealth (unlike John Kerry) he is considered king tut like in the American Empire.

Usually becomes such an obsession, users of phrase become compulsive to the point where they become terrorist supporters, quit bathing & socializing, and become CNN buzzword spouting automatons.
That boy king is really screwing up the country, Rrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Cheney, Darth vadar....Halliburton....Boy KING!!! Rrrrrr!!!!.......
by Leo Cuban July 26, 2006
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A person who has a obsessive compulsive need to find yellow cake uranium in foreign countries before invading them and stealing their oil.
I was watching CNN last night and this yellow cake kambic guy came on saying that there was only 5 tons of uranium in Iraq but no yellow cake was found.

I say, give him a twinkie and his yellow cake craving will be extinguished.
by Leo Cuban August 4, 2006
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A Pseudoname for the city of Bridgeport.

Coined by a Stamfordite by the name of Peter "Cellars" Davies to describe a Fairfield county city, that despite millions of dollars of state funding, can never elevate itself from a crime-ridden cesspool of humanity.

Currenty has the highest per capita number of crack addicts in the state, and a higher murder rate than that of Baghdad, Iraq.
I was looking to buy property in connecticut. I looked at blightport but a red flag immediately went up when I saw the listings for 2 br condos in crapport averaged $35,000.

by Leo Cuban September 8, 2007
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A severe beating. Oftentimes well deserve. In American politics it happens when the party in power ignores the will of the people or pretends to know how to spend your money better than you do.
My administration really took a shellacking yesterday. Maybe Nancy Pelosi and I didn't communicate our policies clearly enough, or maybe we didn't do enough
by Leo Cuban November 5, 2010
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