16 definitions by Leisure Class Hero

(n) Fake glasses. Non-prescription eye-glasses worn by pretentious hipsters and other douche-bags for "fashion" or "vanity" purposes to look more intelligent, sophisticated or cultured than they really are.

An example of recession chic. Mouth-breathing fashion models or unintelligent people in general wear faux glasses to affect having read lots of books or having some modicum of smarts. Dead give-away that someone is an idiot.
They're fucking plano glasses dude - she's trying to pretend she's not actually a pretentious trust-funder with a silver spoon in her mouth.
by Leisure Class Hero June 5, 2010
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A person who wears a cock-eyed ball cap with a perfectly flat bill perched askew on one's head. Pejorative.

A fad originally started by black "urban youth" which denoted prosperity (because new hats have unformed bills). Leaving the price tags and labels on was common as well, indicating that the wearer could afford a new hat. This falls under the social phenomena of "nigger rich".

Like most "street fashion", this style has largely been appropriated (or stolen) by privileged white hipsters who want to express solidarity with black urban youth, and indicate that they too are "hard" and "from the streets".
"It's so ironic to see so many lily-white flat billers cranking hip-hop in their monster trucks and jeeps."

"Why do Flat billers even bother to wear caps? They fall off their head when they lean over and they definitely don't keep the sun out of their eyes... Maybe it's to keep their ear from getting sunburned when they are driving?"
by Leisure Class Hero November 30, 2009
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