1 definition by Leddersledd66

AOW (All Out War) is a dwindling Proboard forum which displays the prime examples of failed role playing. It is a free form 'chat play' at best, being mostly composed of auto hitting, god modding, poor moderation, power playing, trolling, flaming, vulgarity and incessant bitching.
Opinions of AOW as a role play forum:

"Condemned to suffer? I'm suffering alright, suffering from emotional preteens blogging out of their asses."
"Wow. Just wow."
"What the hell is this crap?"
"Good god. Let me guess: it's another star wars plot ripoff."
"Nothing like watching kids play King of the Hill with a shit pile."
"I see no worthwhile role plays here. I see nothing, for that matter."
by Leddersledd66 April 21, 2009
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