1 definition by Le Revolution

The armies of the revolution stand ready to insure the liberties of all people. To destroy all oppressors. To bring down any who oppose the best interest of the people.
We cannot be stopped. We cannot be divided. We cannot be bought.
We are the true torch of freedom. We are the will of the people. Your attempts to control us will result in your eventual annihilation.
The Revolution is everywhere. We stand in the shadows, watching, waiting. We serve your food. We wash your car. We do your taxes. We are in your congresses, your parliaments. We can strike from anywhere, at any time.
They who rule by fear, will come to know that we are the gods of fear.
The man who loves freedom, shall not fear us.
The man who loves power, shall not survive our wrath.

The revolution is here.
"The revolution will not be televised, the revolution will be computerized." -cdc
by Le Revolution June 28, 2005
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