3 definitions by Lawless Lucy Levittown


Large scale housing developments designed for the highly mobile American workforce, which moves around laterally geographically and downward economically, being replenished by computers, robots, AI, nobody, and greedy corporate boards and stakeholders at the top. When they first feel the squeeze, employees try to move laterally, finding jobs and corresponding housing in nearby subdivisions. As they age out of the highest paid jobs, they move into more and more remote and chintzier subdivisions. Eventually, should they lose their jobs and become unemployable, they may wind up squatting in an abandoned house in a subdivision, or living in a shantytown laid out to look, inevitably, like a subdivision.
I am so relieved that we moved into a nice subdivision. I feel like so many choices are made for me. Thank goodness my options are limited. Who has time for choices any more? Gotta get back to work.
by Lawless Lucy Levittown October 27, 2022
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"From each according to their ability; to each according to their need" as summarized by Jesus of Nazareth, Paul of Tarsus, and Karl Marx.
My Christian friends hate communists and I just don't understand it. Didn't Jesus saying that it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?
by Lawless Lucy Levittown November 11, 2022
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The sing-song noises that you make when you talk. They can add some or all of the meaning to what you're saying, such as when you're being sarcastic.
I thought that jerk was being serious when he called me a stupid idiot until I realized from his intonation that he was being sarcastic.
by Lawless Lucy Levittown November 11, 2022
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