1 definition by LaRadar1

(1) adj. Beat down bitch. Situation whereupon a male is undeniably at the mercy of his girlfriend & answers to her every beck and call, usually followed by the reprioritizing of girlfriend over friends, family, work, food, water, and air. Man that lets the female run his life. Will change plans, make excuses, make up stories, or even flat out lie to protect his position with his female companion. When he does come around the guys, he seems to always be attached at the hip by his female companion. He seems to lose interest in the things he used to live for.
(2) adj. When a guy is sprung high as hell off the pussy, he deserts everything for the pussy and lives for the pussy. Pussy is so good he is willing to take all her shit just to keep it to himself. It is often associated with the effects of crack use. its just so addictive, he cant leave it alone.
Johnny is a BDB! His girl has him so fucking pussy whipped that instead of going hunting and chillin with the boys, he spent his whole weekend at her class reunion trying to make her feel loved. ::insert cracking bull-whip sound HERE::
by LaRadar1 October 11, 2013
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