1 definition by L0VERLYY.

A part of North Eastern Pennsylvania , MONROE COUNTY. Not Pike County , which consists of people who drive to Jersey to go to KFC and 1 walmart. The Poconos is no other area around MONROE COUNTY. The Poconos consists on New Yorkers who are trying to live the "good life" and wiggers. it is seriously about 70% black/hispanic. Whites are the minority here. Theres too many drugs you can buy anywhere if you know how. There is alot of ghetto though theres ALOT of rich people. They all live far in the woods though.
Theres alot of resorts and hotels and fuunnn things to dooo , and soon to be casinos.
the big black guys at the casino theatre in Mt. Pocono are drug dealers. The Poconos is where lots of dirty people who left their shitty cities came.
by L0VERLYY. July 6, 2006
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