1 definition by KyousanGin

They're Westerners inverting the traditions of Byzantine Christianity, fetishizing them, and, in many cases, turning them into a cure all. It’s built into the very DNA of this sort of convert.

They're people leaving the Roman Church, or One of the Eastern Churches, or even a Protestant religion to become Orthodox, rather than remaining or becoming Roman or Eastern Catholic.

Very rarely do these converts cite solely the beauty and Truth of the Orthodox Church as the source of their “conversion.” In order to define themselves they feel obsessively compelled to compare their new Church against the Roman Church or the Protestant religions.

The objections range from petty Papal-daddy issues to serious theological questions and practical problems that the Church does need to fix such as the issues of catechesis and political and social positions that are incompatible with the Faith.

But if they have to define the Truth of their new found faith through the perceived faults of others, two things have happened:

1. They have not fully taken off the old man.

2. They have become a coward who can’t face the responsibility that comes with being a lay person, priest, or deacon in the Church.

You could usually see them spouting nonsense such as: "Pope bad", "but muh 4th Crusade", "Muh Constantinople", Hurr durr Filioque" and could be usually seen Referencing RT propaganda
convertodox people are the vegans of christianity
by KyousanGin January 29, 2022
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