6 definitions by Kyle Miller
1.An Asian who is really good at speaking Spanish
2. Andy Pham
3. (suprisingly) Quinn Smith
4. Uses dollar coins
verb - to be Asian and do Spanish good
2. Andy Pham
3. (suprisingly) Quinn Smith
4. Uses dollar coins
verb - to be Asian and do Spanish good
Look at that SpAZN doing its homework!
by Kyle Miller March 5, 2005
Noun. Used to describe an Irish Bastard from Williamsport, MD (Almost the Capital of the US). Referanced from "The Hutch" the "Ass hole" character on the reality TV show The Joe Schome Show.
by Kyle Miller April 23, 2004
by Kyle Miller June 27, 2005
Undoubtly the best Counter-Strike player in the U.S. Playing for a little over a year, this man has become a phenomenom in the CS community.
by Kyle Miller January 29, 2004