1 definition by Kura Achika

A Japanese fashion consisting of poofy knee-length skirts, lacy tops (normally blouses or cutsews), pretty knee-highs or tights, and lots and lots of lace. Has absolutely nothing to do with Gwen Stefani.
Has several subgenres, the most popular of which are:
Gothic Lolita: Basically the darker side of loli. Best example is Mana's clothing line Moi Meme Moitie
Sweet Loli: The more sweet side of loli, most common colors are pink and blue. Best examples are Baby the Stars Shine Bright and Angelic Pretty.
Kurorori: Basically a lolita who wears nothing but black. Even if it's a Gothic Lolita dress, if it's all black, it's a Kurorori dress.
Shirorori: A lolita who wears nothing but white. Even if it's a Gothic Lolita or a Sweet Lolita dress, if it's all white, it's Shirorori.
Related Fashions: kodona, EGA
Note: If the skirt becomes too short, or there is not enough lace or poof, it is no longer loli.
When I visit Tokyo, my favorite thing to do is go shopping in my favorite store, Angelic Pretty, and meet up with my lolita friends.
by Kura Achika July 23, 2005
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