1 definition by Koenigsegg CCXR

This is the outcome of a meeting between a few high-ranking Germans that decided it would be in Volkswagen's best interests to create a car that doesn't generate any profit. At the cost of 5 million per unit, and sale price of 1.5 million, one would think that the over-analyzing Germans would have spotted the fault in their calculations. The car itself is really a shmorgasboard of parts from the Volkswagen and Audi production bins, and contrary to popular belief it actually generates 997 horsepower. This is fairly pathetic value considering that Volkswagen piled on 4 turbochargers onto 2 engines. This is a the second fastest car in the world, losing to the SSE Ultimate Arrow, with the latter achieving record numbers using only 1 engine.
World's Most Pathetic Attempt At Creating A Net Loss: The Bugatti Veyron 16/4
by Koenigsegg CCXR December 3, 2007
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