3 definitions by Knowmadd

To make homosexual overtones purely for entertainment purposes.
"Did you see Alice and Jane Kissing! I had no idea they were lesbians."

"Nah man, it's all just gay for play."
by Knowmadd July 1, 2008
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To make homosexual overtones purely for entertainment purposes.
"Did you see Alice and Jane Kissing! I had no idea they were lesbians."

"Nah man, it's all just gay for play."
by Knowmadd July 3, 2008
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A situation where one partner in a couple has ended the relationship by dating, and having immediate intimate relations with a new person of perceived higher social status.

See trading up
Frank: Are Sandra and Kasey still together?

Jim: No, I hear she's dating some 25 year old brain surgeon. He's loaded plus he looks like a male model. Word on the street is he took her to Mexico for the weekend.

Frank: Wow. Well, she's fucking Matt Damon.
by Knowmadd April 12, 2008
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