1 definition by Kitten_muncher

An often crazy girl who loves to talk and have fun with her friends. She has style and taste but is often picked on because of jealousy. She has a very logical mind but isn't very creative and does not handel stressful situations well. She longs for love but can never find it as she is a very passionate person and is picky when it comes to finding a partner. She tends to change her mind alot and likes to be in charge/in the lead. She has a strong competitive trait and always compares others to herself. Sometimes she is cocky but usually thinks of others and how they think of her before she says things. Although she will speak her mind and defend herself of family if she feels the need. Do not mess with a Marianne or her family or you will regret even being born.
Wow look at her!
Dont mess with marianne she will kill you
by Kitten_muncher July 4, 2012
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