3 definitions by Kill mongers wife

The fictional metal in marvel movies and comic books . Captain America's shield was made of it and it's the key element in the powering of Wakanda
"vibranium is the strongest metal on earth"

wakanda has a mountain of vibranium
by Kill mongers wife February 22, 2018
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A fictional western African country from mavels comic books and movies
Black panther is based on the kingdom of a wakandan king
by Kill mongers wife February 22, 2018
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Renda is a Venda girl name from south Africa . Renda is a unique name which directly translated means praise. Renda is beautiful and astoundingly smart. She cares for those close to her and is extremely funny. Renda is loved by everyone because of her relateability , wit and irresistible charm. she is a black queen. The epitome of black girl magic .
Renda is so amazing.
by Kill mongers wife September 27, 2018
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