2 definitions by Kiame Uli

Someone who follows Raynistysism, they love to see people smile, and will do almost anything to reach that end. They enjoy paying for things, be them games, tickets, meals or books. They live to see someone smile, they can't get enough of it.
"Wow...Brad is quite the Rayinist wouldn't you say?"
by Kiame Uli March 22, 2009
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the way of life of a giver. someone who follows raynistisism like to pay for others and enjoys treating others to food, games, and concerts. these people can be too nice and are sometimes obnoxious about how giving they are.
"Did you hear Ted recently got into Raynistisism?"

"No way now he's going to push stuff on us..argh. I hate that Rayinist BS."
by Kiame Uli March 20, 2009
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