1 definition by Kevin772011

1) Another word for dumb, stupid or having low intelligence.


John: Man your brother is such a Trump Voter!

Cindy: I know, my mom must have dropped him on his head as a baby!

2) Someone who is easily manipulated and or tricked with very little effort.


Trump: I will repeal Obamacare in my first 100 days!

Voter 1: Yeah but what will you replace it with?

Trump: The greatest plan ever, I'm not going to tell you my plan because why would you do that? Why would you clue in the diseases of the world to what our plan of attack is? It will be great, so great. The BEST!

Voter 1: Yeah but you didn't give any details....

Voter 2: He gave a lot of details he said it would be great and the best!
"Fat, drunk and a Trump Voter is no way to go through life, son"
by Kevin772011 November 11, 2016
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